All posts by jmbn

RESER 2015 – Innovative Services in the 21st Century

RESER 2015

Eigtveds Pakhus, Copenhagen. September 10-12, 2015.

Service development and innovation for prosperity and human well-being in the 21st century. 

The importance of knowledge intensive services for growth, economic development as well as human well-being is widely recognised. Also manual services continue to constitute an important aspect of modern societies, for example in the case of many public welfare systems services, tourism and certain facilities management services. Both manual and knowledge intensive services continuously develop and innovate to introduce new or improved service products, increase productivity and improve quality for customers as well as the public’s well-being. Development and innovativeness of knowledge intensive and manual services are crucial for meeting society’s present problems of employment, sustainability, work integration, ageing and climate change as well as wider economic challenges. The RESER2015 conference will therefore focus on development and innovation in the different service sectors and their impact on prosperity and human well-being considering the present public and market economic challenges.

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The experience of truth in jazz improvisation

human interaction such as jazz improvisation takes place not primarily in order to survive but rather out of a creative expression of identity.” (Ralph Stacey, Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers in Jens Skou Olsen (2015)).

The meaning of this quote is part of a chapter on truth in jazz improvisation by Jens Skou Olsen of the ISE institute, which will feature in a Cambridge anthology “The Experience of Truth” coming out this spring. To explain the meaning of this quote in a short blog post is difficult because it is an abstract concept to talk about. However, we can look at the basic interpretation that this type of human interaction goes beyond survival and goes beyond things practical and concrete.

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Red Bull Music Academy
Red Bull is a corporation, which produce only one beverage. Yet, it is one of the most well known and successful corporations worldwide. How does Red Bull achieve such exposure and achieve such high turnaround selling just one type of drink? One of the reasons is Red Bull’s sponsorship of sports and music. The Red Bull Music Academy (RBMA) is an organisation that sponsors music events and has also become well known for creating video’s featuring interviews with underground artists such as Frankie Knuckles and MF DOOM.

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Personalised experience instead of standardised service

This is a new study by Flemming Sørensen and Jens Friis Jensen from the Innovation institute at Roskilde University. Focussing on how the usual encounters with service staff are limited in terms of value creation and knowledge development. The study explores destination-based companies such as attractions, hotels and restaurants, where service staff have direct contact with tourists. Specifically, the study uses an innovation field experiment in a retro design boutique hotel in Copenhagen.

The argument revolves around the standardised and rigid oneway service deliveries, that dominate hotels, attractions and restaurants. They are not experience oriented. This is a paradox because the tourism sector and specifically hotels, attraction and restaurants is experience intensive where customers often seek out and pay for the experiences above everything else. By changing the character of these encounters from service to experience encounters, the value of these encounters will rise and it will increase knowledge creation.

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When feedback is counterproductive, and music is the answer

Music is an art form, which relies heavily on improvisation and trying new things, in order to find the sound that you need. There isn’t a specific recipe for writing music and songs, and you can’t create new music by simply following a few predetermined steps. As a musician you have to think in the moment and feel the situation, you have to try new things which will unavoidably fail, but at some point the sound you need is there and everything else falls into place.

In a recent article, Jens Skou Olsen from the Innovation institute at Roskilde University explores how improvisation in music, can inspire a new approach to using systematic feedback in an organization. Systematic feedback is a commonly used tool in organizations, which can help sustain an exchange regarding the quality and performance of work, it can help effectively control the development of employees and continuously improve the quality of their work.

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Danish Innovation Network INVIO enters a new faze

The network goes by the name INVIO. INVIO is a Danish name that stands for, Innovation Network for Experience Economy (Danish: Innovationsnetværk for Oplevelsesøkonomi). It’s a collaboration between Roskilde University, The Technological Institute, Aalborg University and CKO The Center for Culture and Experience Economy.

INVIO is a network for knowledge sharing concerning the experience economy. It’s an opportunity for Danish businesses to have access to innovation resources, and it provides access to the latest knowledge about the experience economy.

Through INVIO’s website businesses can have access to innovation topics, a knowledge bank and information about innovation events.

Below you can find an introduction in Danish by Flemming Sørensen from the ISE institute at Roskilde University:

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40 years in Case Studies

apple dictionary

In December Sage Publications will give you the opportunity to read all the best in Case Studis during the last four decades.

Niels Nolsøe GrÅunbaum from ISE institute at Roskilde University, has written a chapter “Identification of Ambiguity in the Case Study Research Typology: What Is a Unit of Analysis?” and will be accompanied by some of the most respected names in the field.

The purpose of this four volume collection is to provide an accessible selection of the best writing on case study in the English language internationally. Such a collection is timely and highly relevant to students, researchers and academics in higher education, especially when the case illustrations being adopted in the collection would provide comparative perspectives and international insights to scholars who are interested in English language studies in Asia.

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It’s important to be NICE

NICE is more than an adjective, it’s a project about delivering first class service. It is however, also very much about being “nice” to people. NICE is short for New Innovative Customer Experiences.

The project started in early 2014, and has already played a part in a Eurovision event, by training volunteers to give better service. The goal is to create attention and interest in delivering first class service to tourists. A goal inspired by the 2012 London Olympics. The London Olympics was a success from a service perspective, because the thousands of volunteers did not only do their job in helping with the event itself, but they were credited with lifting the entire experience because of their attitude and the quality of service they provided.

Thomas Meier Lorenzen, a project leader from Wonderful Copenhagen, the mother group responsible for NICE and a collective network for the development of tourism in the Copenhagen area, expressed the intent of NICE:

“It’s about making play part of the work, to create enthusiasm and develop the concept of service. Vi have to develop a level of service which matches the danish culture and also welcomes other cultures. In other words, we have to find new ways of giving people a unique service-experience. I have great expectations for the interplay and collaboration between researchers and companies to have far reaching benefits.”

Below are a few links to more information. Most importantly, here is a video with Jens Friis Jensen from ISE introducing the concept of NICE. Enjoy!

Måltidet er en oplevelse med masser af potentiale

Hvordan kan måltidet være en platform for innovation og nye virksomheder? Et samarbejde mellem forskning og erhverv viser et kæmpe potentiale inden for højgastronomiske oplevelser.

Oplevelsesøkonomien er et forskningsfelt, med et uudnyttet potentiale.

Særligt højgastronomiske oplevelser er et område med store potentialer, mange kender restauranten Noma i København, der allerede tjener godt på at sælge netop denne type oplevelse.

Nu findes der en innovativ vision for, hvordan oplevelsesøkonomien kan udnyttes i højere grad. Hvor højgastronomiske oplevelser ikke kun tilknyttes steder som Noma, men bliver en central del af Danmarks fødevaresektor.

Gastronomi er interessen for at spise og drikke godt, med en indsigt i råvarers egenskaber, kvalitet og tilgængelighed. Højgastronomi tager skridtet videre, hvor selve oplevelsen af måltidet bliver sat i fokus.

Højgastronomiske oplevelser er fremtiden
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The customer isn’t always right

The fact that satisfied customers show greater loyalty, buy more often and in larger quantities, is well recognised. Customer satisfaction will lead to more sales and less marketing expenses. Yes, but it isn’t that simple.

Niels Nolsøe Grünbaum, Ph.d at Roskilde University in Denmark, argues that sometimes, the customer isn’t right, and sometimes customer satisfaction can mean fewer earnings. We look at some of reasoning behind it.

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