Anne Vorre Hansen and Sabine Madsen have published a new book at Edward Elgar entitled Theorizing in Organizational Studies: Insights from key thinkers. In the book, the two authors interview scholars who all have had significant impact in organizational studies, David Boje, Barbara Czarniawska, Kenneth Gergen, Tor Hernes, Geert Hofstede, Edgar Schein, Andrew Van de Ven and Karl Weick about their experiences of theorizing. By addressing aspects of theorizing which seek to make it a personal and meaningful endeavour, the book goes beyond the sole aim of getting published and encourages readers to develop their own unique way of theorizing.
All posts by fuglsang
Three RUC professors at a development workshop in North Jutland
Lild Strand is a small community with about 35 permanent inhabitants at the rugged north coast of Jutland. On Saturday, March 25, a group of residents of Lild Strand had invited to a development workshop with the three professors from Roskilde University, Jon Sundbo and Lars Fuglsang (from the ISE research group) and Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt from the Center for Experience and Tourism Research.
Continue reading Three RUC professors at a development workshop in North Jutland
Research Methods in Service Innovation
Researchers from the ISO research group have published a new book on research methods in service innovation.
Food and Tourism Trendseminar
The seminar focuses on the nexus between food and tourism and its potential in Denmark. The seminar takes place on Råhavegård on Lolland, March 23rd, 2017, in the afternoon.
Innovation and Development of Business Network Services
In an action oriented research project financed by Industriens Fond, Denmark, Researchers from ISE have collaborated with a Business Network Service, Network Zealand, and its members to investigate how to optimize and develop the network to make it more innovative. Continue reading Innovation and Development of Business Network Services
Visit from Aalto University
Three service researchers from the IRIS group at Alto University (Department of Industrial Engineering of Management) visited the ISE-research group on November 22, 2016: They were: Post. Doc. Tiina Tuominen (second from left), Professor Eila Järvenpää (fifth from left) and Project manager Mikko Lehtonen (right).
Ph.D. Course on Innovation in Services, Tourism and Experiences
Continue reading Ph.D. Course on Innovation in Services, Tourism and Experiences
Crossroads of Service, Innovation and Experience Research
In occasion of Professor Jon Sundbo’s long standing career, the Research Group “Innovation in Service and Experience (ISO)”, Department of Social Sciences and Business invites to an open international seminar entitled:
Crossroads of Service, Innovation and Experience Research
The seminar takes place the 7th of December 2016, 13:00 – 17:30 in Biografen, Bldg. 41.1, Roskilde University
Continue reading Crossroads of Service, Innovation and Experience Research
New research project will create knowledge about the potential for developing new innovative experiences in Danish coastal tourism. The project is a collaboration between a number of research institutions in Denmark and involves researchers from the ISE research group as well as researchers from the Center for Experience and Tourism Research at Roskilde University.
Arto Wallin from VTT in Finland has joined ISE for one year
Arto Wallin from the Technical Research Centre of Finland (shortly VTT) has joined the ISE research group for a one year period. Arto works as a senior scientist and project manager at the VTT. During the last years his work at VTT has mainly focused on management consulting and business research in the context of commercialization of digital health and wellbeing services. The main aim of his research exchange at RUC is to tune into more academic work and concentrate on publishing. In addition to the work at VTT, Arto is currently advancing his PhD about high-tech service innovations in the field of healthcare at Aalto University, Finland. Welcome to Arto.