Green Regional Food Experiences, Vision


Green Regional Food Experiences (GRO) is the translated name for ‘Grønne Regionale madOplevelser’ or ‘GRO’. GRO is a project which aims create growth in the Zealand region in Denmark, by innovating and educating within the food sector. GRO is a concerted effort to create business opportunities, development and growth through new ways of thinking about the food sector. The Innovation in Service and Experience research group at Roskilde University played an influential role in determining which areas have the most potential. Jon Sundbo who works within experience economy research, has been the leading spokesman on behalf of the ISE group and has been involved in the release of a new handbook.

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Enterprise Crowdsourcing, a method for Innovation


A new research paper by Ada Scupola looks at Company Innovation Culture, and how a method such as Enterprise Crowdsourcing can be valuable for improving an organizations innovation culture. Crowdsourcing draws on the collective intelligence of the crowd to collect new ideas for innovation purposes. Crowdsourcing has the potential to influence the innovation culture, and this potential is examined from a case-oriented perspective in this paper, the case is an engineering consulting firm in Denmark.

In this case, a crowdsourcing platform called “Idébørsen” (“Idea-exchange”) was used to facilitate innovation ideas within the company. This crowdsourcing platform gave employees the possibility of raising their own voice and listening to their colleagues voices. The crowdsourcing platform provided an outlet for innovation ideas, that was previously not available due to the organizational hierarchy. It broke with traditional project-related innovation processes and was therefore able to explore new possibilities for innovation within this company.

How was this received in the company and what value can this have for an organization?

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