While cooperation is generally a good thing, it is in many cases not easy. And when it comes to collaboration between museums and ICT design companies, contextual challenges indeed exist. This subject was empirically explored by our PhD fellow Anne Rørbæk who is active in the Danish Research Centre on Education and Advanced Media Materials (DREAM).

Anne Rørbæk attended the Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums (NODEM) Conference in Sweden in December 2013, where she presented a paper on the challenges that meet museums and ICT design companies when they collaborate, called “Too many cooks spoil the broth?”
The paper presented a preliminary analysis of data from longitudinal studies of two collaborations, both followed for approximately 18 months. Feel free to contact Anne Rørbæk if you want to know more about the preliminary findings: annero@ruc.dk

Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums
NODEM is an interdisciplinary conference forum that connects various disciplines and professions related to digital cultural heritage, namely interaction design, exhibition design and museum studies, and this year’s edition was both well-attended and interesting in many ways.
See photos from the NODEM Conference in December at Flickr here: NODEM at Flickr
Follow NODEM tweets here: NODEM Tweets
Read more about NODEM at their home page: NODEM Home page
Or read more about Anne Rørnæk at her RUC-page